My Best Kitchen Scales

Kitchen scales for precise diet and recipe measurements

Types of Kitchen Scales

There are 2 main types of kitchen scales:

General purpose scale

  • measures in 1 gram increments
  • measurement range of 1 gram up to several pounds
  • used for measuring most items
  • most commonly used scale

Precision weight scale

  • measures in 0.01 gram increments (some are even as precise as 0.001 gram but I never had a use case for that)
  • measurement range of 0.01 up to 50 or 100 grams depending on the model
  • used for measuring spices, nutrients, salt/sodium
  • used for very precise use cases

Why to use kitchen scale?

The main benefits are for nutrition tracking and recipe measurements.

Nutrition Tracking

My doctor told me I needed to lose some 20 pounds. So I decided to start a new diet. Part of the process is to measure and log everything I eat, in order to get accurate measurement of my calories and macro-nutrients.

I was shocked to learn how much I was overeating, and consuming way more calories than necessary.

With this scale, I was able to portion my meals according to my diet plan.

So far I have lost 40 pounds and my doctor is very pleased with the results. I am also pleased with the results and feel stronger and healthier than I have ever felt.

Recipe Measurement

I mainly use the micro measurement scale for baking, where I need precise amounts of certain ingredients such as baking powder or yeast. Especially since I bake in small amounts, I need to measure 1/8 teaspoon which is very difficult with measuring spoons.

I also use this to measure the different spices in my curry recipes, and I like to refine my curry recipes by slightly tweaking the amount of spices used.

But I can also see this scale would be useful for measuring nutrients, such as bulk vitamin powder that do not come pre-measured in pills.

Or people with sodium sensitivity issues may want to precisely measure their salt usage.

Bonus Scale for large weight